Comprendre le champ d'application 3 et ses obligations

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Gain in-depth knowledge on scope 3 emissions and its obligations

Scope 3 emissions often remain misunderstood. Yet they are a critical aspect of a company's corporate carbon footprint, often being 5 to 20 times larger than a company's scope 1 and 2 emissions combined. Our e-book offers a thorough explanation, breaking down what Scope 3 emissions are, how they are composed, why they matter, and your business obligations.

What's inside the e-book?

  • What is scope 3? Following Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
  • How is a company's scope 3 composed? With a clear example.
  • What are your business obligations?
  • What is the difference between a corporate and a product carbon footprint?

Pourquoi télécharger ce livre électronique ?

  • Clear Explanations: Break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand information.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Cover all aspects of Scope 3 emissions from definition to business implications.
  • Regulatory Insights: Stay informed about your obligations and best practices for compliance.

By understanding Scope 3 emissions in detail, you can take informed steps towards sustainability and regulatory compliance. Download our e-book now and start your journey towards a more sustainable business practice.

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